TE will showcase its innovative solutions at the 2020 Open Compute Project (OCP) Virtual Summit May 12-15, with a broad range of data and power connectivity products.

The company will demonstrates innovative power solutions along with solutions for internal input/output (I/O), external I/O, board-to-board connectivity, and socket connectivity. TE’s experts will be available to interact via a live chat experience to discuss how these solutions can address a wide variety of applications in next-generation products based on OCP reference designs.

Power solutions

TE’s power connectors, cable assemblies and value-added busbar solutions can provide simple yet customizable designs that enable a standardized platform capable of efficiently distributing up to 500A of power per UL and CSA criteria while offering improved electrical performance.

Engineered solutions support multiple voltage requirements, low resistance and low milli-volt drop. Designers can realize operational and overall system cost savings with TE power products that support low energy consumption. These products are often compatible with specifications for use in rack-level busbar applications including power shelves, battery backup unit (BBU) shelves, IT trays and server sleds.

Internal interconnects

Internal high speed cable and connector solutions can achieve about one-third the loss or three times the reach of advanced printed circuit board routing. Coupled with our Sliver interconnects and STRADA Whisper connector technologies, these solutions can support the performance needed to address next-generation 56G and 112G lanes.

TE’s high-performance internal interconnects address the needs for high data rates with robust signal integrity and power delivery through mating/unmating, including blind-mate service operations commonly found in data center production environments.

TE supports jacketed, stranded and sheathed cable solutions to address the bend radius requirements for cable installation and management.

External interconnects

TE continues to be a leader in the industry with I/O solutions for 56G- and 112G-based interconnect solutions supporting 50G, 100G, 200G and 400G links from the data center server, through fabric and spine network layers and equipment for wide-area-network, data center-to-data center connections.

The company’s solutions not only address the needs for high data rates but can also provide reliable, high-density, compatible solutions for robust interoperability. TE’s high-performance cable assemblies can be tailored to support the mechanical and electrical requirements for many applications.

Board-to-board and socket

High performance board-to-board products address the need for high data rates with robust signal integrity and power delivery through mate/unmate, including blind-mate service operations commonly found in data center production environments.

TE’s socket portfolio includes standard CPU sockets and custom CPU sockets to help customers that want to incorporate their own semiconductor technology and memory interconnects.

Hordon Kim, International Editor, hordon@powerelectronics.co.kr


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