Smart Eye, a leading developer of AI-powered Driver Monitoring Technology, is preparing for the launch of their new aftermarket DMS system by conducting field tests with haulage company Ernsts Express. Based on the test results, Smart Eye expects to gain valuable insights on how to raise the safety standards for the automotive aftermarket.
By studying a person’s eye, face and head movements, Smart Eye’s interior vehicle algorithms can draw conclusions about a person’s alertness, attention and focus. With the upcoming launch of our Applied AI Systems (AIS), Smart Eye will deliver a product developed for the automotive aftermarket, where the need for high quality driver monitoring systems is especially apparent.

Driver distraction and drowsiness are known to be among the most serious road safety threats, and the haulage industry tends to be at high risk. During long-haul transports, drivers often need to work night shifts, making them more prone to drowsiness behind the wheel. Meanwhile, smartphones are believed to be the culprit of an increasing number of traffic accidents.

Haulage company Ernsts Express has over 60 years of experience transporting materials to basic industries. And as transporters of hazardous goods, an accident could have serious consequences for humans and the environment alike. As part of their strategy for preventing accidents, they turned to Smart Eye’s system for detecting both driver distraction and drowsiness.

Over the course of November and December 2020, Smart Eye and customer Ernsts Express are conducting field tests, as four drivers are driving a vehicle transporting high risk goods equipped with Smart Eye’s driver monitoring technology. Based on this research, Smart Eye will evaluate and further fine tune their new solution for preventing distraction and drowsiness in commercial traffic.

– Driver distraction and drowsiness are among what we consider to be the biggest road safety risk today. We have tested several different systems focusing on distraction, but what I think is unique about Smart Eye’s system is its ability to detect both distraction and drowsiness. If the system is able to eliminate the risks of driver drowsiness and distraction, then I see Smart Eye’s solution as the future standard in Ernsts Express’s vehicles, says Roger Blom, CEO of Ernsts Express.

To find out more about the field tests and see test driver Jonas Hedh try out Smart Eye’s new product, visit

Hordon Kim
International Editor,



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