In line with its social and environmental commitments, Soitec obtained the approval of its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Steering Committee, becoming the fourth global semiconductor company to achieve this highest level of commitment. The validated targets reinforce the unconditional need to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

The SBTi certification attests that Soitec’s CO2 emission reduction targets are in line with the levels required to limit global warming to 1.5°C. This designation is the most ambitious available under the SBTi process.

As one of the first French companies in the sector to obtain this certification, Soitec has committed to reducing, by 2026:
– Its direct greenhouse gas emissions (“scope 1 and 2”) by 25.2% in absolute terms compared to the 2020 baseline year;
– Its indirect greenhouse gas emissions (“scope 3”) by 35.3% per million euros of added value compared to the 2020 reference year.

To achieve this, the company has a clear climate roadmap, which is translated into concrete actions already initiated throughout the company’s value chain:
– Increasing the energy performance of its industrial sites, through investments in high energy performance equipment and the optimization of industrial processes in order to reduce their energy consumption
– Favoring low-carbon energy at its industrial sites. The Bernin site has been using 100% renewable energy since 2021 and Soitec hopes to reach 50% for the Pasir Rissite (Singapore) by 2024
– Engaging suppliers in its low-carbon approach
– Favoring low-carbon freight, opting first and foremost for sea freight which is less polluting than air freight – for logistics operations between the Bernin (France) and Pasir Ris (Singapore) sites
– Encouraging the adoption of soft mobility by employees, through the implementation of an inter-company travel plan, the provision of electric charging stations and the loan of electric bicycles.

“We are proud that our environmental objectives have been certified by an organization such as SBTi. This recognition confirms the seriousness of our commitments in a context of very strong growth for the company. This validation of our efforts to reduce our own carbon footprint complements the contribution of our products to continually reconcile new technological prowess with reduced energy consumption, which is now at the heart of our raison d’être” said Paul Boudre, Soitec’s CEO.


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