Rochester Electronics sells Kyoto Semiconductor's optical sensors

Rochester Electronics is partnering with Kyoto Semiconductor, a leading optical device solution manufacturer with world-class technologies and Japanese quality, to collaborate in offering active and end-of-life (EOL) products to customers.

“Kyoto Semiconductor is pleased to collaborate with Rochester Electronics, known for the world’s most extensive range of end-of-life (EOL) semiconductors and broadest range of active semiconductors. With this partnership, we extend our customer reach worldwide, with both EOL and active semiconductors,” said suneo Takahashi, CEO at Kyoto Semiconductor .

“Our products are critical for the optical communication infrastructure and optical sensing equipment used for a long period of time. As we have a large variety of products similar to the EOL’ed products, and we can develop custom products, the partnership with Rochester Electronics will provide helpful solutions for the customers who need to perform long-term maintenance on the infrastructure or equipment.”

Upon this partnership, Kyoto Semiconductor products are available at Rochester Electronics.


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