Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based electronic devices switch faster and consume less energy than classic silicon-based devices. With GaN, >99% energy efficiency is achievable, enabling a new generation of compact and lighter power converters with reduced environmental impact.

Historically, GaN transistors have always been difficult to operate. Every manufacturer suggests using additional components or even customised gate drivers to ensure the transistors operate safely and reliably.

Cambridge GaN Devices’ (CGD) ICeGaN® is an industry-first enhancement-mode GaN transistor that can be operated like a Silicon MOSFET without the need for special gate drivers, driving circuitry, or unique gate voltage clamping mechanisms. Without the need for pairing GaN with Si MOSFETs in Cascode or Direct Drive configurations, CGD’s GaN is a single chip eMode GaN in a low profile/low inductance package.

Users can operate CGD’s GaN devices with standard, off the shelf gate drivers, up to 20-22 V. With a built-in miller clamp and a threshold voltage set at around 3 V, users don’t need to provide negative gate voltages to keep the device OFF when it is supposed to be OFF.

Besides, CGD introduces several additional integrated functions such as current sensing, which users can use to save on external components like sense resistors. Most importantly, device cooling can be significantly improved by connecting CGD’s GaN to ground, thus allowing to use of small components and running the system significantly cooler.


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