인공지능(AI) 프로세서의 전력 요구량이 증가함에 따라 서버 전원공급장치(PSU)는 서버 랙의 지정된 규격을 넘지 않으면서 점점 더 많은 전력을 제공해야 한다. 이는 2020년대 말까지 칩당 2kW 이상을 소비할 수 있는 고급 GPU의 에너지 수요 급증에 따른 것이다. 이러한 필요와 더불어, 갈수록 더 까다로운
Tag: CoolSiC
Infineon’s CoolSiC™ XHP™ 2 high-power modules enable energy-efficient electrified trains to promote decarbonization
Infineon's CoolSiC™ XHP™ 2 high-power module To meet global climate targets, transportation must shift to more environmentally friendly vehicles such as energy-efficient electrified trains. Trains, however, have demanding operating profiles with frequent acceleration and braking, while being expected to operate reliably over a
Avnet collaborates with Infineon to deliver cutting-edge silicon carbide technologies
Avnet is working closely with Infineon on the manufacturer’s leading-edge silicon carbide (SiC) based CoolSiC™ technology, which delivers key benefits for engineers designing advanced power systems across a wide selection of market sectors and applications. Infineon and Avnet will collaborate over the